Pacman Frog Care Guide

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Welcome to the ultimate care guide for pet pacman frogs! Pacman frogs, also known as South American horned frogs, are a popular choice of pet for many reptile and amphibian enthusiasts. They are known for their unique round shape, vibrant colors, and big appetites.

However, owning a pacman frog requires some level of experience and knowledge of their specific care requirements. While they may seem like a low-maintenance pet, proper care is crucial for their health and longevity.

In this guide, we will cover all the essential aspects of caring for your pet pacman frog, including their housing, diet, hygiene, and health concerns. Whether you are a seasoned reptile owner or a first-time frog parent, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to give your pet the best care possible.

So, whether you’re considering getting a pacman frog or you already have one, this care guide is a valuable resource to ensure that your pet remains happy and healthy. Let’s dive into the world of pacman frogs and discover everything you need to know about caring for these fascinating creatures.

Getting to Know Your Pacman Frog

When getting to know your pacman frog, it’s important to understand that they are primarily solitary animals and prefer to spend their time alone. They are also nocturnal creatures, meaning that they are most active during the night and will spend most of the day sleeping or hiding. While they may not be the most social pets, they are fascinating to observe and can become quite tame with proper handling and care.

In terms of their care requirements, pacman frogs are relatively low-maintenance pets. They require a suitable habitat with a warm and humid environment, a substrate that retains moisture, and access to clean water. They are carnivorous and have a big appetite, so their diet consists of live insects and small prey items like crickets, mealworms, and even pinky mice.

When handling your pacman frog, it’s important to be gentle and avoid any sudden movements or loud noises, as they can easily become stressed or frightened. It’s also essential to practice good hygiene and regularly clean their enclosure to prevent the build-up of bacteria and parasites.

While pacman frogs may not be as interactive as other pets, they can still make excellent companions for those who appreciate their unique characteristics and low-maintenance care requirements. With proper care and handling, your pacman frog can live a long and healthy life, and you’ll enjoy getting to know and appreciate their individual personalities.

Pacman Frog Essentials

In order to ensure that your pacman frog remains healthy and happy, it’s crucial to provide them with the basic living requirements they need. These requirements include a suitable enclosure size, a proper diet, the right substrate, the appropriate temperature and humidity levels, and a well-designed living space. 

In this section, we will go over each of these living requirements in detail, providing you with all the information you need to set up a safe and comfortable home for your pet pacman frog. So, whether you’re a new owner looking to get started or an experienced reptile enthusiast looking to improve your frog’s living conditions, read on to learn everything you need to know about the basic living requirements for a pacman frog.

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Enclosure Size

Pacman frogs require a minimum enclosure size of 10 gallons for one frog. A larger enclosure, around 20 gallons, is recommended for multiple frogs or larger individuals. The enclosure should be secure with a tight-fitting lid to prevent escapes.

It’s also important to make sure your enclosure has tall walls so that your frog can not jump out if there were no lid.


In the wild, pacman frogs are opportunistic carnivores and will eat a variety of small animals, including insects, spiders, and even small vertebrates. They are known for their voracious appetites and will consume prey that is almost as big as themselves.

In captivity, pacman frogs should be fed a diet that consists primarily of live insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. They can also be offered small vertebrate prey, like pinky mice, although this should be done sparingly as a treat.

Pacman frogs should be fed every 2-3 days, with juveniles requiring more frequent feedings than adults. The amount of food offered should be based on the size of the frog and should be adjusted as needed to prevent obesity. It’s important to provide a varied diet and gut-load insects with nutritious food before offering them to your frog. Additionally, any uneaten prey items should be removed from the enclosure to prevent them from becoming a source of bacterial growth.


When it comes to substrate for pacman frogs, it’s best to choose a material that can retain moisture and provide a suitable environment for burrowing. Coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, and eco-earth are all excellent substrate options for pacman frogs.

The substrate should be kept moist, but not overly wet, to maintain the necessary humidity levels in the enclosure. A depth of 2-3 inches of substrate is recommended to allow for burrowing and hiding.

Pacman frogs produce a lot of waste, so their enclosure should be spot-cleaned daily to remove any uneaten food, feces, or shed skin. A full enclosure cleaning should be done every 2-4 weeks, depending on the size of the enclosure and the number of frogs. During a full cleaning, all substrate should be removed, and the enclosure should be disinfected before adding fresh substrate and decorations.

Temperature & Humidity

Pacman frogs require a warm and humid environment to thrive in captivity. The ideal temperature range for pacman frogs is 75-85°F (24-29°C), with a basking spot temperature of 85-90°F (29-32°C). Humidity levels should be kept between 50-80%, with higher levels required during shedding periods.

A humidity gauge or hygrometer is an essential tool for monitoring the humidity levels in the enclosure. It’s recommended to use a digital gauge to get the most accurate readings.

To increase humidity levels in the enclosure, a few simple steps can be taken. 

Adding a water dish to the enclosure can help increase humidity levels as the water evaporates. Live plants can also help by releasing moisture through transpiration. Misting the enclosure with a spray bottle or using a reptile fogger can also increase humidity levels, but be careful not to make the substrate too wet, as this can lead to bacterial growth.

It’s essential to monitor the temperature and humidity levels in the enclosure regularly to ensure that they remain within the appropriate range. By providing a warm and humid environment, your pacman frog will be comfortable and healthy in its new home.


Pacman frogs require a well-designed living space that provides hiding places, climbing opportunities, and a sense of security. Adding various decorations to the enclosure can help meet these needs and create a more naturalistic and aesthetically pleasing environment for your pet.

Some essential decorations to consider for your pacman frog’s enclosure include hiding places such as logs, cork bark, and artificial plants. These can be used to create a natural-looking environment while providing your frog with places to hide and feel secure. Live plants can also be added to the enclosure to create a more naturalistic environment and increase humidity levels.

Climbing opportunities can also be provided through the use of branches and vines. These decorations can give your pacman frog a place to climb and explore, while also providing exercise and mental stimulation. However, it’s important to ensure that all decorations are securely placed and won’t fall or harm your pet.

Best Place to Buy Pacman Frogs: Josh’s Frogs

Josh’s Frogs is a reputable reptile store that specializes in a wide variety of species and morphs of frogs. One in particular is the pacman frog.

Josh’s Frogs has dozens of options to choose from, including:

  • Peppermint pacman frogs
  • Samurai pacman frogs
  • Strawberry pacman frogs

They also feature some of the best prices that you’ll find online. We highly recommend checking them out.

Pacman Frog FAQs

Are pacman frogs good pets for beginners?

Yes, pacman frogs are generally considered good pets for beginners due to their hardiness and low-maintenance care requirements. However, it’s still important to do your research and ensure that you can provide the necessary care for your pet.

How big do pacman frogs get?

Pacman frogs can grow up to 6 inches in length, with females generally being larger than males.

How often do pacman frogs shed their skin?

Pacman frogs shed their skin every few weeks as they grow. It’s important to provide a moist environment during shedding to help the skin come off more easily and prevent any complications.

Do pacman frogs require UVB lighting?

While UVB lighting is not essential for pacman frogs, it can be beneficial for their overall health and well-being. However, it’s important to ensure that the lighting is not too bright or intense, as this can cause stress to your pet.

How often do pacman frogs need to be fed?

Pacman frogs should be fed every 2-3 days, with juveniles requiring more frequent feedings than adults. The amount of food offered should be based on the size of the frog and adjusted as needed to prevent obesity.

What kind of substrate should I use for my pacman frog?

It’s best to use a substrate that can retain moisture and provide a suitable environment for burrowing. Coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, and eco-earth are all excellent substrate options for pacman frogs.

Do pacman frogs make good pets for children?

Pacman frogs can make good pets for children as long as they are supervised and the child is taught how to handle them properly. However, it’s important to remember that they are still living creatures that require proper care and attention.

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